7° giorno 24/11/2011
Maradje - Mopti 48 km.
"Corrente sempre forte che mi consente di arrivare presto a Mopti, chiamata la venezia d'africa per il vecchio porto situato alla confluenza del fiume Bani. Emozionante l'ingresso nel porto proprio nel giorno del mercato. Decine di piroghe e pinasse, tipiche imbarcazioni del Niger, che caricano e scaricano ogni sorta di mercanzia. Il rumore dei martelli dei cantieri delle piroghe completa l'incredibile atmosfera. Ciao"SAT SMS ricevuto da Giacomo
Niger River by
7° Day
Maradje- Mopti, 48 km
Maradje- Mopti, 48 km
"Ever strong current that allows me to arrive early in Mopti, called the Venice of Africa becouse the old port located at the confluence of the Bani River. Exciting entry into port during the day of the market. Dozens of canoes and pinasse, typical boats of Niger, who load and unload all sorts of merchandise. The sound of hammers complete the construction of canoes the incredible atmosphere. Hello"
SAT SMS received by
8 commenti:
Grandissimo Giacomo. Tanti auguri, e tanta invidia...
Gianfranco - Ct
Really so nice blog dear. I like this blog.. its blog looking really so cool . this is real so good work.......
Ciao Gianfranco. Ti rispondo da casa quindi i tuoi auguri sono andati a buon fine... Grazie!!!
Ciao H. Jaisalmer. I have been in Jaisalmer - Rajasthan. Are You from India or not?
Thank for your words and your appreciation.
Nice blog.. Its very impressive & Appriciable.Keep it up.. Now you can live like Maharajas in their Palaces and Forts. Then relax in Goa, and enjoy your beach holidays in India.
Wow what a view..
It is very helpful to know about travel & tourism spot in country..
Lovely photoes..
Excellent click Dear..
Keep it up....
The post is really nice!!!
The blog is really a nice blog to read.
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